Kamis, 08 April 2010


Happy 4th Months Anniversary LUCKY :*

honesty, it's like a cure my curse.
curse about "I can't to be with someone more than one or three months."
but i think the curse just about my pass,
my old story.
old story with another shit.
sorry, but thats all i can say.
you just can make my heart fly so high and crush it into the ground.
and then ?
you looks so happy see me like that .

so i really thank you for you, lucky greeber.
for all .
your time, day by day. and then you still by my side.
make me feel so happy and happy.
shinning like a sunshine :)

i can't say anything..
but these is 5 simple words
explain my heart to you, that
i love you so much :*

i happy to be with you :)
thank you Lucky :*

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